November 1, 1856
1 November 1856
"This had from the very beginning of their acquaintance induced in her that awe, which is the most delicious feeling a wife can have toward a husband."
"Awe!"—awe of a man whose whiskers you have trimmed, whose hair you have cut, whose cravats you have tied, whose shirts you have "put into the wash," whose boots and shoes you have kicked into the closet, whose dressing-gown you have worn while combing your hair; who has been down cellar with you at eleven o'clock at night, to hunt for a chicken-bone; who has hooked your dresses, unlaced your boots, fastened your bracelets, and tied on your bonnet; who has stood before your looking-glass, with thumb and finger on his proboscis, scraping his chin; whom you have buttered, and sugared, and toasted, and tea-ed; whom you have seen asleep with his mouth wide open!——Ri—diculous!
Source Text:
Fanny Fern, "Awe-ful Thoughts," The New-York Ledger (1 November 1856): 4
To cite this project:
Fanny Fern, "Awe-ful Thoughts," Fanny Fern in The New York Ledger, Ed. Kevin McMullen (2018)